Abscess – A collection of pus. Usually forms because of infection.

Abutment – A tooth or tooth structure which is responsible for the anchorage of a bridge or a denture.

Allergy – Hypersensitivity reaction.

Amalgam – A silver filling material.

Anesthetic – An agent that causes temporary loss of sensation – feeling.

Apex – The end of the root.

Bleaching – Whitening of teeth.

Bridge – A prosthesis which is fixed inside the mouth to replace missing teeth.

Bruxism – Teeth grinding.

Caries – Tooth decay.

Clasp – A metal arm extended from a removable partial denture. It helps to hold onto natural tooth structure and thus provide anchorage for the denture.

Composite – white filling.

Crown (porcelain / plastic / metal) – A crown is almost like a „cap“ on a tooth. It covers the tooth partially or totally above the gum to restore its function and outlook.

Denture (immediate, complete, partial) – An artificial object to replace missing teeth and their neighboring structures. There are many different types of denture to satisfy different treatment requirements and patient preferences.

Endodontics – A department of dentistry involving diagnosis, prevention and treatment of dental pulp ( where the nerves and blood vessels are inside the tooth).

Flipper – A temporary denture to replace missing teeth during the waiting period for long term treatment.

Floss – A thread / tape that goes in between teeth for cleaning.

Fluoride – A compound of fluorine (an element) which be put in different forms such as water, gels and rinses to strength teeth.

Fluoride treatment – teeth treatment with fluoride agents like gel or rinse. It helps to prevent tooth decay.

Framework – A metal skeleton of a removable partial denture to support the false teeth and the plastic attachments.

Gingivitis – The mildest form of gum disease> inflammation of gum. The earliest sign is bleeding gum.

Impaction – A condition where a tooth is not able to come in normally or is stuck underneath another tooth or bone.

Implant – A device ( usually „screw – like“) put in the jaw bone to support or false tooth, a denture or a bridge.

Mouth guard – A device to be work in the mouth. Depending on the deign of it, it prevents, injury to teeth and / or jaw during teeth grinding or sport events.

Night guard – A mouth guard which is worn at night time.

Occlusion – The way how the upper and lower teeth close together.

Onlay – A restoration covers the entire biting surface of a tooth.

Orthodontics – A special field in dentistry which involves diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of bite abnormalities or facial irregularities.

Periapical – The surrounding of the bottom of the root of a tooth.

Periodontics – A speciality of dentistry involves diagnosis, prevent, and treatment of gum (periodontal) disease.

Pontic – The false tooth in a bridge or denture to replace the missing tooth.

Post – A big pin which can be made with different materials such as metal or carbon. Its function usually is to support a big buildup on a tooth.

Prosthesis – An artificial part to replace missing teeth.

Pulp – The innermost part of a tooth. It contains nerves and blood vessels inside a tooth.

Pulpectomy – The removal of the whole pulp inside a tooth.

Root – The bottom part of tooth. It anchors the tooth to its supporting units.

Root canal – The canal that runs inside the root of the tooth. It contains the nerves and blood and blood vessels inside the tooth.

Root canal treatment – A treatment for the root canal inside the tooth.

Scaling – The action of cleaning teeth below the gum line.

Splint – An appliance or a material to prevent movement of a mobile part.

Veneer – A layer of tooth – colored material (can be porcelain, composite or ceramics) that attaches to the front of the tooth. It is usually used to improve the appearance of the tooth.