What is an analgesia in dentistry?
The greatest number of painful interventions in dentistry can be performed satisfactorily with local anesthesia. However, due to extreme scare or previous unpleasant experiences, patients often refuse any dental treatment and avoid visits to the dentist.
Neretko and the very act of applying local anesthesia, that is, the needle pinch, is a bigger problem than the dental intervention itself. In such cases, there is an analgesia available for us – short-term general anesthesia, that is, the method of administering drugs that leads to sedation, i.e. conditions in which the patient feels relaxed and carefree, with the conservation of consciousness. This makes the work for both the patient and the dentist much easier.
In which cases is the analgosedation applied?
Analgesia or short-term general anesthesia is applied in:
1) extremely frightened and anxiety patients,
2) patients who have a highly expressed vomiting reflex
3) in patients with normal communication disability
How is the analgosedation performed?
In our clinic, the analgosedation is performed by a team of doctors: a dentist of a certain specialty and a doctor – an anesthetist. Before each intervention, the patient first completes the questionnaire on his general health condition, then the dentist performs a detailed dental examination, and then the patient conducts a conversation with an anesthetist and a dentist, during which he is precisely addressed in the procedure of short-term general anesthesia. Also, the patient will receive from the doctor and dentist the answers to all the questions that interest him. It is advised that, when applying this type of anesthesia, the patient comes with the follower.